- Download the latest debian based image; Raspbian Latest
- Write the image to a SD Card.
- Boot the Raspberry Pi.
- Run through the raspi-config script that runs automatically.
- After the Raspberry Pi has booted customize the required elements below.
Setup your own user account:
sudo adduser fred
Enable sudo access on your new account and delete it from pi account:
sudo visudo
Logout as the pi user and log back in as your new use defined above. Once logged back in as your new user remove the pi account if you wish.
sudo deluser pi
If preferred you can just lock the pi account:
sudo passwd -l pi
Name Resolution, configure DNS if desired in /etc/resolv.conf you only really need 1 or 2 nameserver entries, the multiple addresses are there for my reference only.
Finally update using:
sudo apt-get update
At this point, I usually shutdown the PI and take a backup of the SD card before moving on to more specific installation and configuration.
Logout as the pi user and log back in as your new use defined above. Once logged back in as your new user remove the pi account if you wish.
sudo deluser pi
If preferred you can just lock the pi account:
sudo passwd -l pi
Name Resolution, configure DNS if desired in /etc/resolv.conf you only really need 1 or 2 nameserver entries, the multiple addresses are there for my reference only.
domain localdomain.com # Whatever domain name you wish to use
search localdomain.com #
nameserver # Public DNS provided by Google
nameserver # Public DNS provided by Google
nameserver # Public DNS provided by opendns
nameserver # Public DNS provided by opendns
nameserver # Private hosted DNS server
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
At this point, I usually shutdown the PI and take a backup of the SD card before moving on to more specific installation and configuration.
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